Monday, August 29, 2016

Seven (7) Types Of People That You Have To Pray That God Should Flush Out Of Your Life


Deliver me, O LORD, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue. What shall be given to you, and what more shall be done to you, you deceitful tongue? A warrior's sharp arrows, with glowing coals of the broom tree! Woe to me, that I sojourn in Meshech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war! (Psalms 120:2-7)

There are seven (7) types of people that you have to pray that God should flush out of your life:

1. Friendly enemies-this type of people hate you, but will never show their hatred and bitterness against you, as far as they continue to milk you empty and receive some freebies and bonuses from you. To them, your kind heart means foolishness.

2. Insecure and jealous friends-they are afraid of who you are and what is in you and what you will become; therefore they will do anything to destroy you before the time. They are afraid that people will discover their emptiness and turn away from them.

3. Parasites and leeches-they attach themselves to your life because of what they are getting from you and in return will never contribute to your happiness. When they see that they can’t get any more of you; they will spit on your face and bid you goodbye.

4. Gossipers and flatterers-they will tell you everything that others said about, but they will never tell of what they said about you to others (they are always there to watch your). Even when you are wrong and straying, they will continue to praise you until you meet your doom, and when this happens; they are the very ones who will mock you.

5. The ungrateful and proud-whatever good you do to them, be ready to receive thousands of blows and spitting as your reward. They see themselves as your superiors; therefore you must carry them on your shoulders and respect them as the King of kings and Lord of lords. After all if you are wise and intelligent, why haven’t you succeeded by now?

6. The incorrigible- they are always right, even if they hurt your feelings and offend you at will, they always demand apology from you. And if you protest, you are labelled as an arrogant idiot.

7. The all-sufficient- these one believe and think that without them, you are nothing in life and will never succeed if they don't help you. They see themselves as your source of living and survival; therefore you must always come to them, bow and worship them as God before you can receive their peanuts.

Pray that God should not only remove these types of people from you, but should flush them away from off you.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Satanism: The World Of The Occult


Image result for Satanism

Satanism: The World Of The Occult

Russ Wise

The Growing Problem

The occult is on the rise; many young people are seeking their spiritual identity through Satanism.

Satanism has become an issue of great concern in our society. It is a phenomena that crosses the city limits into the rural areas of our nation. Satanism is not just a big city problem. The news wires carry story after story about young children being kidnapped, only to be found later as victims of some bizarre ritualistic crime. To help us gain a balanced perspective of the subject, C. S. Lewis in his book Screwtape Letters, says this about Satan:

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

As satanic involvement among our youth increases, we begin to see the primary goal of such activity. It has become clear, according to the data thus far analyzed by those who investigate satanic involvement, that the primary goal is to alter people's values and turn them against themselves, their beliefs, family, God, and society.

When we begin to take a close look at the occult, it becomes necessary to define terms. There is a great difference between cults and the occult. The term cult refers to a group of people polarized around one individual who is often a magnetic personality. This individual has his or her own understanding of truth, who God is, man's relationship to God, the existence of heaven and hell, as well as a number of other issues of faith. In most cases such individuals incorporate some degree of biblical truth into their teachings in order to gain a certain amount of credibility and in order to deceive the unwary.

The term occult means "hidden" or those things or teachings that are "unknown" or secret. So, the occult is the seeking after knowledge of unknown information, knowledge that is gained beyond the five senses. Therefore, knowledge is received by some supernatural involvement or connection.

Anton LaVey of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, California, says that

Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal religion. It is based on the belief that man is inherently a selfish, violent creature... that the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win.

Satanism challenges the biblical teaching regarding man's relationship to others. We are to esteem others better than ourselves, and we are to be team players. In 1 Corinthians we read about being a part of the body of Christ, whereas, Satanism esteems the "self" over others.

Young satanists believe that the strong will rule with Satan. Once they are sufficiently involved, they often make a pact with Satan. They commit themselves to a future date when they will take their own lives by suicide. They believe that if they submit themselves to Satan in death, they will come back in another life as a stronger being and rule with him forever. According to recent statistics, fourteen young people a day take their own lives. A major concern for those who uphold a Judeo-Christian world view is that this generation is becoming detached and is losing all sense of morality. Many have lost their mooring. It is imperative for the church, as a corporate body, and we as individuals, to share the message that Jesus Christ is the only possible solution to our emotional and spiritual needs.

The Power that Entices

Power has become an obsession with young satanists. It is sought after on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. According to one former occultist, the greatest lure into the occult is "power" and "knowledge." Not just corporate power but personal power. Gaining knowledge that others do not possess is another aspect of the occult. When individuals have more knowledge it affords them a degree of power over those who do not have access to that knowledge.

Likewise, Satanism offers its lure to the youth in our society. Drugs and sex have become the bait that so often ensnare the unsuspecting.

With the increase of satanic activity, a profile of those involved in Satanism has emerged. They are generally from a white, middle to upper-middle class family. In most cases they are bright and do well in school; however, they are often bored and are not challenged to meet their full potential. They tend to have a low self-worth and are unable to distinguish between right and wrong because of their relative ethical system. They often have problems in the home and in relating to other people around them. They use drugs and are sexually promiscuous. It is a rare occasion when these last two elements are not present in the mix.

Abuse, both physically and emotionally, is another aspect of this mix. Young satanists are often abused children who know no other way to relate to people. Some are a part of a multi- generational family involved in worshiping Satan as savior.

Anton LaVey, Satanist High Priest of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco gives us a glimpse of how Satan is seen in his book The Satanic Bible:

We hold Satan as a symbolic personal saviour, who takes care of mundane, fleshly, carnal things.

Satan has attempted to usurp the place of Christ in redeeming mankind. He has endeavoured to establish himself as a god who is equal to or greater than Jehovah and in a sense render God ineffective. LaVey goes on to say that "God exists as a universal force, a balancing factor in nature, too impersonal to care one whit whether we live or die."

Therefore, the Judeo-Christian God is inaccessible and has no compassion. Thus, Satan becomes the solution to man's deepest needs.

Satanism leads one into bondage through mind control and fear, whereas Christianity allows the individual the freedom of choice. We have the opportunity to either accept God's free gift of life or reject Him and simply exist separate from God's love.

An Agent of Change

Music has always been at the centre of the youth culture. The problem arises when the lyrics promote aberrant behaviour. The Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez of Los Angeles, believed that Satan made him invincible. Police say the style of the brutal rapes and 16 murders Ramirez committed resembled the lyrics of the song "Night Prowler" on AC/DC's LP "Highway to Hell."

Along with Ramirez' fascination with AC/DC, he used cocaine and PCP in conjunction with a deep interest in Satan worship. He believed that Satan would protect him and not allow harm to come to him. According to a People magazine article as long ago as September 1985,

Rock 'n roll is turning too often to sex, Satanism, drugs and violence for its major themes and corrupting the values and views of unwary young people.

The lyrics of the last few years of the 1980s have continued on a downward slope. Rachel Matthews, an artist and repertoire representative for Capitol Records, recruits new groups for her company. Her comments regarding a newly signed band reveal what she, as one individual representing the music industry, is looking for in a band:

I was just going, 'Oh (expletive)! I've never heard anything like this!' I've heard plenty of metal and speed metal, but it was just so intense and out of control, just like this caged psychosis going on. I loved it, because you could actually understand the lyrics. And even if they're morbid and gruesome, it's really cool that you could understand what they're saying. It just makes it twice as evil. I like that." (Dallas Life Magazine, 1 July 1988)

The demo that interested Ms. Matthews in the group contained songs like "Die in Pain" and "Foaming at the Mouth."

The music that causes the greatest concern is the various types of "metal" music. Metal has been classified into three types. First, is party metal, and it represents the most popular style of music. Groups like Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, and Def Leppard are representative of party metal. They tend to glorify sexuality and the party spirit.

The second type is "trash metal" represented by groups like Metallica, Anthrax, and Megadeth. The primary focus of "trash metal" is violence and death.

The third type is known as "black metal" and is overtly satanic. The lyrics encourage such activities as incest, necrophilia, rape, torture, and human sacrifice. Black metal is represented by groups like Venom and Slayer.

King Diamond is perhaps the most satanic of all "black metal" groups. He openly professes Satan and incorporates a large amount of satanic activity into his performances.

Music has always been an agent of change in our society. It tends to shape the moral attitudes of each generation. As Christians we should be especially concerned about the lyrics in the music of the youth culture. We cannot afford to allow another generation to become polluted with the immoral themes found in today's music. As parents it is imperative that we maintain open communication lines with our young people. Without open communication it becomes improbable that we can affect the listening habits of our children. Second, we cannot be hypocritical in our personal listening habits. Third, we need to become familiar with the type of music our children listen to and be willing to acknowledge the good and be prepared to positively criticize that which is not appropriate within our household.

Last, we as parents need to recognize that if our child is involved in rebellious music, we must attempt to understand what unmet need in his life is being met by his musical diet. Galatians 5:19-21 says that

The deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery . . . those who practice such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, it is imperative for us as adults and youth to only listen to and think upon those lyrics that would honour God and His principles.

The Games of Destruction

Satan has used a number of tools over the centuries to ensnare the naive. The Ouija Board has proven to be particularly useful. According to the Dictionary of Mysticism the Ouija Board is "an instrument for communication with the spirits of the dead." The Ouija Board is an open door into the world of the occult and demonic activity. Disembodied spirits speak to the living through the medium of the Ouija Board. This information is believed to be truth from the other side and is not recognized for what it is: Lucifer's delusion to gain our allegiance.

Jane Roberts, the author of The Seth Material, relates her story regarding the Ouija Board. She was about to write a book on ESP, and to stimulate her thoughts, she and her husband used a Ouija Board to gain perspective. After a few sessions they were able to receive messages from someone who later identified himself as Seth. The use of the Ouija Board and the gradual, but ever-growing, influence of Seth in Jane's life brought her to the point of possession. Her mind would enter a trance state and a deep male voice would begin to speak, indicating he had a message to get across to our world the wisdom that it was only now ready for. Over a period of ten years Seth produced through Jane over 5000 typewritten records of alleged higher esoteric truth. Then Seth tried to kill her. Though she had not previously believed in demons, this experience changed her mind.

Internationally-known observer of the occult, Kurt Koch, says that by the use of the Ouija Board revelations from the past and predictions about the future are made.

Edmond Gruss tells us in his book, Cults and the Occult in the Age of Aquarius, that there have been "many cases of 'possession' after a period of Ouija Board use." Supernatural contact is commonly made through use of the board and has become a primary tool of Satan in reaching young people.

The Rev. Donald Page of the Christian Spiritualist Church reports that most possession cases he has dealt with are people who have used the Ouija Board. Francoise Strachan's book, A Company of Devils, states that the Ouija Board is "one of the easiest and quickest ways to become possessed."

The greatest danger of the Ouija Board is that an individual begins to place his trust and future hope in the message the board brings. As a Christian our only source of revelation regarding future things is to be God's Word. We are to look to Jesus Christ and His teachings to properly understand our problems and seek a solution. Deuteronomy 18 tells us to beware of mediums and those who practice divination.

First Chronicles 10 tells the story of Saul who was unfaithful to the Lord and consulted a medium, seeking guidance and did not seek guidance from the Lord. Therefore, the Lord slew him and turned the Kingdom over to David.

Christians can offer several reasons as to why one should not be involved in the use of the Ouija Board. One is simply that the Bible condemns it as being involvement in the occult (Lev. 19:31, 20:6). Another relates to the tragic experiences of those who have been involved with this medium. And then there's the fact that the messages received are often false and misleading. They are often obscene and contrary to biblical teaching.

The following passages in Scripture give us, and those who would seek God's perspective, where to go for truth.

"And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits and into wizards . . . should not a people seek unto their God?" (Isaiah 8:19)

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, . . . and it shall be given him." (James 1:5)

The Great Delivery

God is able to deliver those who seek Him. Victory is ours. But first, we must receive God's power.

We have been discussing the problems of satanic involvement. Whether we become deceived by use of the Ouija Board, music, divination or by Dungeons and Dragons, the end result is the same occult bondage.

Mark Bubeck's Moody Press book, The Adversary, gives us a sound basis for applying sound biblical doctrine in resisting the devil as he attempts to infiltrate our lives. Basic to all victory of the believer over Satan is the absolute truth of biblical doctrine. There is no substitute. The greatest key in warfare against Satan is when we recognize that God's truth is our only offense.

Bubeck refers to "doctrinal prayer" as an effective tool to use in spiritual warfare. The sixth chapter of Ephesians tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. We cannot effectively engage Satan in warfare on the natural plane; we must enter the spiritual dimension to adequately challenge Satan and defeat him and his host. According to Bubeck, doctrinal prayer the practice of praying or applying the objective, absolute truths of the Word of God as the hope and basis of resolving our prayer burden.

Doctrinal prayer presupposes that we have a deep understanding of the Scriptures. Bible memorization is a must for this type of prayer.

Another aspect of our spiritual warfare is that of resistance. We are called to resist the devil. The term "resist" basically means to stand, to stand invincibly or successfully. We can stand firm and remain invincible because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Jesus was victorious over Satan at the cross. As God's people, we are victorious over Satan because of Jesus. We can successfully resist Satan as we stand in right relationship with Christ. Since we are in Christ, and He has all authority in heaven and earth, we are in the only place of victory.

Ephesians 6 speaks of our spiritual armour. With the exception of the sword, this armour is defensive in nature. We have the victory; it has been won we simply need to stand our ground. Satan has been defeated at the cross (Col. 2:8-15) and made powerless (Heb. 2:14-15). The believer needs to stand in his rightful position in Christ as victor; Jesus has already won the battle.

The Holy Spirit of God shows us the way to righteousness and restoration. Satan attempts to convince us that we are so bad that God wouldn't want anything to do with us. He seeks to convince us that there is no forgiveness for what we have done or that we have committed the unpardonable sin.

The Holy Spirit uses God's Word to give us hope and assurance of God's love and forgiveness, whereas Satan creates despair, doubt, resentment, and anger toward God, His Word, and His people. Satan intends for us to feel as though no one as bad as we are could ever really be saved.

Doctrine and right understanding is important to our spiritual welfare. It is the foundation upon which everything stands. Without it we are subject to every wind that blows, every false teaching that Satan would use to lure us.

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have trusted in His blood atonement, we have a vast number of tools to render the enemy ineffective. Power, position, authority, total victory over Satan's world belong to us. All that remains is for us to appropriate God's promises and recognize our position in Christ, focus our attention against the devil's work, and to rest in what our Lord has done for us.

Satanism is a growing concern in our culture. With this growth comes a great deal of confusion and a lack of understanding. The following information is designed to help you understand the problem by clearly defining the different aspects of the occult and giving you concise information that you can use.

Defining the Occult


A cult is a group of people polarized around an individual with a magnetic personality, who deviates from orthodox Christianity by distorting the central message of the Bible by additional revelation or by introducing their personal understanding of primary biblical doctrines such as the person of Jesus Christ, heaven, hell, salvation, atonement, the virgin birth, etc.


Secret or hidden knowledge. This knowledge is not discerned by the five senses and is therefore, supernaturally received through the practice of divination.


The use of scripturally forbidden supernatural powers to manipulate people and events. Commonly known as the "craft of the wise" or "wicca," the worship of nature and feminine energies mother nature. Witchcraft is manifested in two opposing views: white magic, and black magic or witchcraft (see Deut. 18:10)

White Magic

The use of supernatural power to manipulate a person or an event to bring about good. The practice of divination is used to bring about "positive" results such as knowledge, healing, etc.

Black Magic

The use of supernatural power to manipulate a person or an event to bring about evil or destruction. Manipulation is achieved by use of rituals and the casting of spells.


Unlike Witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan, formerly known as Lucifer, and the practice of Black Magic. Satanism is a reaction against the Christian church and the Word of God in particular. Satanism promotes a do-what-you-want attitude and is ultimately the worship of oneself.

Categories of Involvement

Individuals involved in satanic activity fall into one of four categories:

Multi-generational international organization

National organizations

Independent self-styled groups

Individual dabblers

The greatest increase in involvement is among the latter group the dabbler. The dabbler is, in most cases, from a middle to upper- middle class, Caucasian home and is a user of drugs and other controlled substances.

The larger concern is not in the number of young people involved in satanic activity but what they are capable of doing when they become absorbed in the worship of Satan.

Satanism centres around involvement in animal sacrifice, blood ritual, sex, the use of drugs and sometimes murder. According to "The Addiction Letter" (1/89),

Most Satanism revolves around a drug and alcohol dependent lifestyle which glorifies violence, hate, lying, stealing, and vandalism. The involved youngster craves a higher power to validate . . . chemical dependence and Satan fills the spiritual void.

The Mental Profile of the Dabbler



Low self-worth

Warning Signs of the Dabbler

The dabbler is likely to have difficulty relating to peers and in most cases, they have withdrawn from their family and religious heritage. They tend to become involved in a variety of the following:

A drop in grades


Drug use

Physical and sexual abuse

Mind control

Animal mutilation

Increased hatred



Drug abuse is the common denominator in all levels of Satanism. Drugs have become the primary source of mind-altering experiences for the Satanist, thereby, giving him a false sense of power and spiritual potency.

Characteristics that may indicate satanic involvement

Avoiding family members

A change in friends

Becoming secretive about activities

Loss of interest in extra-curricular activities

Personality changes

An unusual interest in books, movies, videos, etc. with an occult theme

Use of drugs and alcohol

Lack of attendance of worship with family

Individuals are recruited into satanic groups by any number or combination of the following:

Free drugs or sex





Personal choice

Satan's Goal

According to scripture (Matt. 4:9, 2 Cor. 4:4, Rev. 12:9), Satan's goal is to deceive man by blinding him to the truth of the gospel and to receive worship for himself (Isa. 14:12-14). On a more practical level Satan desires to alter an individual's values and turn them against themselves, their beliefs, family, God and society.

The Church of Satan

Anton Szandor LaVey formed the Church of Satan in 1966. LaVey, the author of The Satanic Bible is perhaps the most common source of satanic ritual and understanding available to young people today. It can be found in most large secular bookstores. The Satanic Bible has sold more than 600,000 copies since it was first published by Avon Books in 1969.

Secret things

Another common denominator in satanic groups is secrecy. Individuals keep a journal of activity, rituals, charms, or messages in a notebook, blank book and sometimes even a floppy disc. This information is often written in an alphabet that is not widely known. Alphabets commonly used by occultists are: the witches’ alphabet, the Celtic alphabet used by the Druids, the Enochian alphabet, the Egyptian and others.

Personal Initiation

Initiation plays a major role in group activity. Through initiation an individual is given a chance to declare total allegiance to Satan by participation. Often one will sever a portion of a finger or a toe to indicate their commitment to the unholy one.

Other acts include being a participant in a ritual where mutilation of an animal or human is a part of the activity. These acts are usually video-taped to be used at a later time to keep the individual in line if need be. In some cases a criminal act is perpetrated where the initiate is involved in a key role. An unholy communion of sorts is taken during initiatory rituals where a cup or chalice (usually stolen from a church) is used containing a mixture of wine, blood (human or animal) and urine. Satanism is not for the faint-hearted.

Other methods of initiation include body markings. An inverted cross may be burned into one's forearm or chest, etc.

Body Markings

Commonly used markings include the following (it is important to note that body markings can be used for the preparation of a sacrifice, as well as initiation into a group):


Inverted cross




MENA (amen)

Black rose


© 1994 Probe Ministries

Recommended Readings

1. Breese, Dave. Satan's Ten Most Believable Lies. Chicago, IL., Moody Press, 1974.

2. Bubeck, Mark I. The Adversary. Chicago, Il., Moody Press, 1975.

3. Bubeck, Mark I. Overcoming the Adversary, Chicago, Il., Moody Press, 1984.

4. Dickason, C. Fred. Demon Possession and the Christian. Chicago, Il., Moody Press, 1987.

5. Johnston, Jerry. The Edge of Evil. Dallas, TX, Word Publishing, 1989.

6. Koch, Kurt. Between Christ and Satan. Grand Rapids, Mich., Kregel Publications, 1962.

7. Koch, Kurt. Occult Bondage and Deliverance. Grand Rapids, Mich., Kregel Publications, 1970

8. Koch, Kurt. Satan's Devices. Grand Rapids, Mich., Kregel Publications, 1978.

9. Korem, Dan. Powers. Downers Grove, Il., InterVarsity Press, 1988.

10. Korem, Dan and Meier, Paul. The Fakers. Old Tappan, N.J., Fleming H. Revell, 1980.

11. McDowell, Josh and Stewart, Don. Understanding the Occult. San Bernadino, CA., Here's Life Publications, 1982.

12. Newport, John P. Demons, Demons, Demons. Nashville, TN., Broadman Press, 1972.

13. Taylor, Jack R. Victory Over the Devil. Nashville, TN., Broadman Press, 1973.

14. Weldon, John and Levitt, Zola. Psychic Healing. Chicago, IL., Moody Press, 1973.

15. Weldon, John and Wilson, Clifford. Occult Shock and Psychics Forces. San Diego, CA., Master Books, 1980.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Does God Rejoice Over The Destruction Of The Wicked?



Does God rejoice when bad things happen to those who disobey and reject his offer of salvation, or does it pain his heart to see a soul pass into eternity hopeless and lost forever? Understanding the nature of God, would help in answering this baffling question and knowing the true nature of God, his attributes and feelings towards all of his creatures. The problem with religious dogmatism is that it teaches about a sadistic god who takes pleasure in inflicting damages on those who refuse his gift, just to show and demonstrate to them how powerful and terribly awesome he is if provoked. And that is the reason why religion has failed and enslaved man through the ages, it has not produced a meaningful and well lasting solution to the spiritual needs of man, instead religion has made man into a beast and turned him to hating the God who loves and cares for him and his every need, due to the wrong and erroneous conception of the person of God, religion is full of lies and deceptions.

As you go through this article, you will discover that the god religion teaches is quite different from the biblical God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You will come to know that God’s plan for your life is not the one of destruction, but of peace. The biblical God is not a god who takes pleasure and rejoices over the sufferings and miseries of his creature, but a God who delights in relationship and blessings on all those who love and seek him. He is a God who takes pleasure in the salvation of the wicked and not their destruction as some religionists may falsely claim.

So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. (Matthew 18:14)

It is due the erroneous teachings of religion that our world is in the shape that it is today, because religion teaches man that he has to murder his fellow man to appease an imaginary god who does not exist, a god who does not want to do anything with the man he created, a god to whom men are nothing but slaves and servants, who can be sacrificed at will to gain his favour, a sadistic god who whips man at every whim of his mistakes, a god who wants to send you to an eternal hell, because there are those whom he has predestined to salvation and others to destruction. A god who has chosen only few to be saved and the rest damned forever; that is the god that religion is presenting to man, a god whom we must win his approval; love and favour by killing those who do not want to submit to his religion and abide by his despotic rules. No wonder humanity is in such a mess, due to the fact that the god religion presents is not the same God that the bible presents. The god of religion demands that you sacrifice your sons and daughters for his cause, but the God of the bible gave his only begotten Son for the salvation of humanity (John 3:16). Does that sound strange? The god of religion wants you to do some good deeds to be saved and earn your salvation, while the biblical God wants you to believe in his Son and be saved by faith alone. The biblical God is not interested in your good works, because they are incapable of earning you any salvation. It is a waste of time trying to please and appease God through good deeds (Isaiah 64:6). God is already pleased in the person of Christ Jesus.

1.      How Does God See The Wicked?

Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life. Because he considered and turned away from all the transgressions that he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die…. For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live." (Ezekiel 18:27-28 & 32)

Dear reader! Can you see that God does not take pleasure and rejoices over the destruction of the wicked, that it is his will and good pleasure that the wicked should turn away from his wickedness and live? That is why God hates and abhors religion, but it lies against God and presents the opposite of who he is. Those who are preaching that God wants to destroy the wicked are liars and false teachers. I am not saying that God will not judge and deal with the wicked, but that is not his primary preoccupation, he wants the wicked to repent and live and not die in his wickedness. God does not wish anybody destruction, that would contradict his nature and person. God judges the wicked, but not immediately, he delights in pity:

The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy. (Psalms 103:8)

The biblical God is a merciful and compassionate God, who is slow to anger and ready to forgive offenses. He is not a sadistic and embittered being, who does neither forgive nor forgets. The god that religion presents is a miserable and idiotic god, who displays acts of cowardice by commanding his followers to slaughter and terrorise everyone who refuses to go by the dictates of his religion. One may say what of the Old Testament? The truth is the people of that time knew God but chose to live wickedly in abomination and detestable practices, God sent them warning and offer of love and repentance, not only did they refuse it, but they killed the very persons whom God sent to warn them, and when their wickedness became unbearable and intolerable, justice was meted out to them. It was not because of their wickedness that God punished, but their refusal to turn from their wickedness.

  And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. (Jonah 3:10)

How come that God did not destroy Nineveh, I thought he would have breathed fire upon them and wiped them out of the surface of the earth for all their wickedness? You see my dear reader, the perfection of lies is always found in religion, because it is through lies and deception that religion thrives and enslaves its adherents.

But God said to Jonah, "Do you do well to be angry for the plant?" And he said, "Yes, I do well to be angry, angry enough to die." And the LORD said, "You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?" (Jonah 4:9-11)

 Herein is religion exposed for what it is, the prophet was angry that God did not destroy Nineveh but had pity and forgave their evil deeds, he was also angry that God destroyed a plant that gave him shade which he did not labour to grow. This is exactly the reality of religion and religionists; they care for the material and less concerned for the spiritual. God sees the wicked as one who does not know from his right to the left, he sees him as a person who walks in ignorance, a lost soul that needs salvation. That was why I said that, the biblical God is quite different from the religious and dogmatic god that religionists present to mankind. It is also evident, that God also cares for animals and all livestock. Isn’t he great and compassionate?

2.      Will The Wicked Suffer Eternally In Hellfire?

If God loves the wicked, will he be sending them to hell? I think the bible is in the best position to answer this controversial question.

The LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalms 9:16-17)

Yes, the wicked who refuses to repent and renounce his wicked ways will suffer eternally in hellfire, it is not a matter of predestination, but it is a matter of choice. It is not God that sends the wicked to hell, it is their choice that does. When a man refuses to renounce his wicked ways, God will not force him to change, but he will reap the sure fruit of his refusal to repent and rebellion against God. There is time for everything, it is true that the mercies of God are eternal, but we are not. We are to make good use of the time and opportunities given to us by our Creator, to mend our ways and do that which is right and virtuous. That was why he sent his Son Jesus to die on our behalf and pay the price for the penalty of our sin and rebellion against God. God is not interested in the destruction of the wicked but their salvation; he is not a despotic being who punishes at any slightest offense.

For while we were still weak, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6 & 8)

To say that God is glorified through our destruction is a lie and deceptive, these are one of the lies of religion and dogmatism. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with him and enjoy the benefits he has made available through his Son Jesus. It will be of a fruitless effort trying to engage God intellectually; it is a battle that you will lose at the end and regret all the opportunities you wasted.

Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:6-7)

God is not a distanced being that does not want to have anything in dealing with the man he created; he wants his salvation and wishes his felicity. To say otherwise would be a contradiction and blatant lies. God wants that we turn away from our wicked and rebellious ways, which lead to destruction and eternal damnation.

You do not need to travel land and sea to discover God, he is right there beside you, all you need to do is call upon him, and he will answer and reveal himself to you.

Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not. (Jeremiah 33:3)

 God is interested in your personal relationship with him, and not your destruction. He wants you to know him as a Father and not as a despot and sadist. He is not interested in holding grudges against you and looking for a way to pay you back.

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall you call upon me, and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Who said that God rejoices over our destruction; religion or God? It is religion that propagates lies against God, in order to hinder man from approaching his Creator who loves and cares for him. It is religion that has made God seem unapproachable, because it is through those avenues of lies and brainwashing, that man remains in the slavery and bondage of religion. It is time you forsake religion and embrace God as your Father through relationship by Christ Jesus. Never allow yourself to be hindered and stopped from approaching God due to the lies of religion. Religion tells you that you are not good enough to approach, but the bible tells you that God wants you to approach him because of the sacrifice of Jesus. God is not rejecting anyone based on their nationality or background; that is a lie from the pit of hell.

All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and he that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37)

Reader! Put away your fears and approach God in humility through Jesus Christ, he is a despotic superman ready to deal blows for offending him; that is not true. The Father’s hands are wide open to welcome any who draws closer to him. He is not after your hurt and but happiness. Jesus himself expressed it in the most sublime tone, he described as a Father who wants to the happiness of his children:

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:7-11)

God’s heart is wide open to receive you, and his ears are attentive to hear your every request, and his hands are ever ready to supply your every need. Don’t allow religion to blindfold you from receiving from your heavenly Father, who loves and wants your blessedness. Don’t you know that you are special in the sight of God?

"Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)

Some mothers out of hardship and poverty can abandon their children and flee for their lives, but God will never, he is ever faithful to his promises and his eyes are ever watchful on those whose trust is rooted in him. In famine, in hunger, in death, in sickness, in failure, in despair, in times of troubles and anguish; God is forever faithful and will not fail to perform on you that is which is good and righteous.

As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. (Psalms 103:13)

Nothing can place the tenderness and concern of God for his creatures in a stronger light than this. What yearnings of bowels does a father feel toward the disobedient child, who, sensible of his ingratitude and disobedience, falls at his parent’s feet, covered with confusion and melted into tears, with, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am not worthy to be called thy son!” The same in kind, but infinitely more exquisite, does God feel when the penitent falls at his feet, and implores his mercy through Christ crucified. (Adam Clarke)

God is waiting for you to make a move and draw closer to him, no matter the ache and life’s disappointments; the Father’s gentle touch can change the story from that of pains, misery and failures to the one of triumph, victory and success.

 The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. (Revelation 22:17)

Dear reader, having these wonderful promises before you, what then are you waiting for to grab this wonderful opportunity and enjoy all that God has in store for you?

Friday, August 19, 2016

Are There Biblical Verses That Support Or Uphold Homosexual Love & Marriage?



With the emergence of the Internet Technology; the ways in which we see things have forever changed. Today, with a good and well-endowed device on one’s palm, he can navigate the world at a fingertip. But despite the availability of information and resources around us, this generation lacks the calibre to discern the truth from error. In the past our parents had to dig thousands of hours in different libraries just to get particular information, they (our parents did not have the opportunities we enjoy today; yet their ingenuity and wealth of knowledge is rivalled to none.

The problem with this generation is not the lack of information, but it is the laziness and apathy to use their mental faculty. They love the illusional and buy into every lies presented without proper investigation and inquiry. They emulate celebrities whose lives and comportment are a total disappointment to God and disgrace humanity. We have celebrities that promote immoral conducts and portray the opposite of what life is in reality. Their counterfeit lifestyles have pushed our younger generation into the abysmal pandemonium of moral decadence.

The treatise of which I am about to undertake, is a delicate and sensitive one, but that something is delicate and sensitive; does not mean untouchable. When a person gets a deep cut, knowing fully how painful and delicate it is, does not stop the doctor from doing his work, if left untreated, will cause more trouble to the injured patient. Therefore something that is amoral and abnormally out of natural order, considered a delicate and sensitive issue does not mean it should not be touched, regardless of whom gets offended. The truth no matter its pungent strikes does not break the eyes but the heart. As we dig carefully with open hearts and unbiased minds-the truth will illuminate our spirits and guide us into all that is good and virtuous.

1.      Were Jonathan And David Homosexual Lovers (Taking The Bible Out Of Context)

And it came to pass, when he had finished speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. (1 Samuel 18:1)

Some perverted and vicious minds who are devoid of the truth of the sacred writings; have always used this particular biblical passage to ascertain that homosexuality is something that is condoned and acceptable before God. But this biblical passage is in no way saying that Jonathan and David were homosexual lovers. There are three ancient Hebrew words that are at play in the sacred narrative; (i) knit, (ii) soul and (iii) love. I will to the best of my ability with the accepted periphery of oriental language interpretation, explain each word in detail and what they meant when they were written at the time.

(i)                 Knit-Hebrew- קשׁר (qâshar); a primitive root: to tie, physically (gird, confine, compact) or mentally (in love, league). What the bible is saying in essence is that Jonathan out of respect and benignity became David’s mutual friend and admirer. There is no homosexual love here intended, it is the common human love, feeling and admiration we have towards our fellow man.

(ii)              Soul-Hebrew- נפשׁ (nephesh); meaning a living thing that breaths. The person of Jonathan became connected to David, they became best of friends.

(iii)            Love-Hebrew- אהב / אהב ('âhab  /  'âhêb); it means a person’s love to his fellow being, to God or anything, in the Greek language it is called φιλαδελφία or ἀγάπη (Philadelphia or agapē)- fraternal affection: - brotherly love (kindness), love of the brethren, affection or benevolence.

 Therefore the bible is in no way saying that Jonathan and David were male homosexual lovers, if that was the case; the mosaic law of the time demands that they shall be stoned to death. Jonathan and David were mutual friends who naturally loved and respected each other and nothing more; they were never homosexual lovers as some perverted and deluded minds may claim.

Another biblical passage that is totally taken out of context is David’s eulogy to Jonathan; some people interpret it as David’s homosexual relationship with Jonathan. That is another lie from the pit of hell. Let’s see what that place says:

I am grieved for you, my brother Jonathan; you were very lovely to me; your love to me was wonderful beyond the love of women. (2 Samuel 1:26) 

Was David saying that he had homosexual love relationship with Jonathan? Absolutely not, if that was the case, the sacred writers would never shy away from exposing David, and he would be immediately executed. David was simply reminiscing the kindness of Jonathan to him when Saul was after his life. Jonathan watched the back of David, defended him before his father and succoured him in the time of need. Such selfless and unattached love is matchless to that of a woman. A woman can abandon and desert a man if the going gets tougher and unpredictable, but a true friend will remain and weather the storm with his friend to the end, such love is greater than the love of a woman, which is romantic and attached. The love that Jonathan had for David was an agape/ Philia (brotherly) love; it is selfless, sacrificial and unattached, which no woman can offer to a man. I repeat; David and Jonathan were not homosexual lovers, they were friends and nothing more. Stop twisting the inerrant word of God for your personal agenda and belief. You are free to believe anything you want to believe, but keep the bible out of it. You are free to live whatever lifestyle you chose, but stop using the bible as a supporting pillar, doing so will only bring about disastrous and destructive consequences.

2.      The Bible Stance On Homosexuality.

In order not to beat about the bush and alter the message, I will be forthright; the bible condemns homosexuality with the strongest and severest tone. There is no biblical passage that condones or upholds homosexual practices and tendency. God hates and abhors such detestable practices; they are abominable & repulsive in his eyes.

You shall not lie with a man, as with a woman: it is abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)  

 Any carnal knowledge or copulation with a fellowman is confusion and a crime against nature. It was for this reason that God wiped out by fire the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah; they were so addicted to this vile practice that their land cried out to God, and when heaven could no longer tolerate their unnatural practices, justice took its course and their cities and memory were forever obliterated. It was from the people of Sodom, that we got the word sodomy, because they were notorious for that.

If a man also lies with a man, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:13) 

In the mosaic law, homosexual acts were met with death; but in this dispensation things have changed due to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, such laws are no more applicable to the modern man, except in some strict conservative religious countries where teeth for tat is still practiced. I am not saying that what God said is no more relevant, but what I am saying in essence is that; homosexuality is condemned by God, because it is an attempt to overthrow the natural order and obliterate the human race. Sex should be between the man and his wife, in doing so they are able to procreate and preserve the human race. Those who are supporting homosexuality are enemies to humanity. The anus is not meant for sex but the vagina. Trying to do otherwise is a challenge to God, and such challenge will be met with divine retribution and dire consequences. The story of Sodom & Gomorrah should serve as a great lesson and example to every generation trying to overthrow God’s established natural order. In the New Testament Apostle Paul called them "abusers of themselves with mankind" (1 Corinthians 6:9).

 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fitting. (Romans 1:26-27)    

God’s stance on homosexual in the Old Testament, is the same in the New Testament, the only thing is that homosexuals are no more put to death, because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; even the vilest offender can receive God’s forgiveness.

But we know that the law is good, if a man uses it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For fornicators, for homosexuals, for slave traders, for liars, for perjurers, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. (1 Timothy 1:8-11)

Paul is not talking about the mosaic ceremonial laws, but God’s moral code of conduct. Those who are supporting and encouraging homosexual union, are completely devoid of God’s knowledge & love, they hate those who have chosen such perverted and confused lifestyle, by withholding the truth from them. It is better you offend a person with the truth, than to delude & flatter him with lies, only for them to discover at the end that you did misled them from the truth unto destruction. The truth is always hurtful & pungent but salvaging at the end.

3.      Does God Love Homosexuals?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)

God loves homosexuals and desires their salvation, he is not interested in their death and eternal damnation; that was one of the reasons Jesus came and died. God does not dance and rejoice in heaven over the death of a homosexual, those who preach such message are walking in ignorance and barren of God’s love in their hearts. God hates every act of homosexuality, but he is benign to homosexuals, not desiring that any should perish, he wants them to desist from the practice and abandon their confused and deluded lifestyle and embrace his unwavering love. A homosexual is an empty and confused soul that needs to be pitied than hated. If one has the true love of God in their heart, they will never hate a homosexual or rejoice over his demise; such will see the emptiness and confusion in their life and gently reach out to them in love. It is true that we all make mistakes, but we also need someone to help us. True love does not find faults to condemn, but the root cause, and to heal.

There has never been and there will never be a happy and accomplished sodomite, every practicing sodomite is an empty and muddled soul looking for fulfilment. That is why we should not hate them, but on the contrary should pray and reach out to them in love and gentleness. Many of them want to abandon their lifestyle, but they need someone to come to their help and rescue. In the deepest of the heart of every sodomite; there is this emptiness and frustration, hopelessness and despair.

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he has committed, they shall not be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live. Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? says the Lord GOD: and not that he should turn from his ways, and live? (Ezekiel 18:21-23)

God is not interested in the death of anyone, God’s desire for man is his wellbeing, those who preach the wrath and fire gospel are missing the point, I am not saying that God does not judge sin & punish sinners; it is their refusal to change that attracts the divine retribution. No parent disciplines their children without a prior warning, no government deals with an individual without reason. Sinners are punished when they refuse to turn from their wicked ways and continual rebellion against God. God is not interested is meting out wrath & judgement against sinners.

But in this let it not escape your notice, beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord does not delay concerning His promise, as some reckon slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

It is not slackness, remissness, nor want of due dislike at sin, that induced God to prolong the respite of ungodly men; but his long-suffering, his unwillingness that any should perish: and therefore he spared them, that they might have additional offers of grace, and be led to repentance - to deplore their sins, implore God’s mercy, and find redemption through the blood of the Lamb. As God is not willing that any should perish, and as he is willing that all should come to repentance, consequently he has never devised nor decreed the damnation of any man, nor has he rendered it impossible for any soul to be saved, either by necessitating him to do evil, that he might die for it, or refusing him the means of recovery, without which he could not be saved. (Adam Clarke)

I do not want anyone to die," says the Sovereign LORD. "Turn away from your sins and live." (Ezekiel 18:32, Good News Bible)

Therefore can you see that God is not interested in the death of anyone, whether a homosexual, a lesbian, a pervert, etc.? God is not interested in using natural disasters to get his message across to man, nor does he create diseases to show to man how powerful and terrible he is, that is not God but religion and dogmatism. Yes; God punishes and deals with sin, but he is also loving and longsuffering as we have seen in the scripture. God is not a sadist who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain on others; those who preach that God is happy when humanity suffers are liars & charlatans, they are not presenting the true God but a different one, dead and destitute god, miserable and irrelevant. He is not a God who chides at every mistake.

If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? (Psalms 130:3)

Who can survive God’s rebuke for every error he commits, it is quite impossible.

Let’s imagine this together; here is a mighty and terrible giant before you, he speaks to you in a terrible voice, picks you up and started hitting you against stones and rocks, whipping you with rods, giving you real blows with nice beatings; and after sometimes; he smiles at you and says; I love you my child, I just wanted to teach and show you how powerful and terrible I am when provoked. I love you, have a nice day. Tell me; will you ever wish to approach such a God, even if he has everything to give you, I know you will never have anything to do with such a God-right?  That is how religion presents God to man, it makes him to see God as despotic and unapproachable, who is ever breathing wrath and threats to anyone who does not obey his rules and regulations. The biblical God is not so and quite different:

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. The LORD executes righteousness and justice for all that are oppressed. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in mercy. He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pities his children, so the LORD pities them that fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. (Psalms 103:1-6, 8-14)

So can you see that there is a great gulf difference between the biblical God and the one of religion? The biblical God cares for the man he created, while the god of religiosity is antipathetic and unfriendly. God loves homosexuals, but hates homosexuality and abhors its practices, tendency and the approbation of any kind.

4.      How Should Christians Relate And Respond To The Gay Community

A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another. (John 13:34-35)

Here comes one of the sublimest statements in the bible, on how Christians are to relate and respond, not only to their fellow Christians, but to all men in general. It is transcendent in tone and majestic in style; it is the summation of the law and an epic expression of divinity. This is the central message of the Christian religion.

Your response and attitude towards a confused and hurting soul will determine his approach and hunger for God and respect for your religion. You cannot hate someone and be hostile to them and then expect results, it impossible. Condemn the act, but love and persuade the straying to abandon their lifestyle, make them see the dire consequences of the lifestyle they have chosen, pray for their salvation, and watch the Holy Spirit do the impossible in their life. We do not change a person by avoiding them; doing that will compound their grief and drive them to despair and frustration. You will be presenting an image of a sadistic and unapproachable god.

Should not you also have had compassion on your fellow servant, even as I had pity on you? (Matthew 18:33)

How do we treat matters? We are expected to extend the same love which we have received from God to our fellow man. We do not win a person by bashing them; you will only end up creating enemies against yourself and in turn ruin your message. Fire and brimstone message does not produce results; it only instils fear and produces a religious hypocrite-he will appear righteous to men but very dirty in the inside. Love, compassion, persuasion, gentle and godly rebuke, transforms a man and changes a lion into a lamb. That was why the outcasts of Jesus time felt at peace in his presence and relished his every message with love and admiration. He did not come with the message of fire and brimstone condemning them; he gently appealed to their hearts through love and compassion, he showed them the emptiness of their lifestyle through gentle persuasion, and the people responded to his message in masse with clear and sincere heart. You may ask what of John the Baptist. A careful perusal of the scripture will show that John the Baptist was gentle with the common people, but very hard on the religious dogmatists of the time, because he knew they were presenting a false god to the people through their empty and vain traditions.

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwells in us, and his love is perfected in us. By this we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. (1 John 4:11-13)

 It is God’s love which flows from your heart that transforms a person and makes them receiptive. True healing comes from the emanation of love expressed through words, deeds and actions. Now if you continue to disdain a person for their failures; how do you expect him to get up on their feet? Your indifference and contempt towards them will only paralyze God’s intended purpose and discourage them from making any meaningful attempt; they will feel that God has abandoned them. You are God’s channel by which the expression of his sublime love and compassion emanates and flows into the life of a hurting soul; it matters every day of one’s life.

With all humility [forsaking self-righteousness], and gentleness [maintaining self-control], with patience, bearing with one another in [unselfish] love. (Ephesians 4:2, Amplified Bible)

We express true love (agape) by serving; in serving the hurting you heal the wounds by helping to support them in all the miseries and trials of life. This is our call to duty and action, it is this kind of love that bears fruits and defeats the enemy at face value. God’s love must transcend all our personal interest and preoccupations.

When we relate and respond to the hurting with love and compassion, every resistance, resentment and bitterness in their heart crumbles and gives way to healing and restoration. We are God’s channel through which his love emanates.